Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Virgin Dessert: Cherry-Apple Jelly Mix

My sister always complains about my dish experiments. What would you expect in a pantry of two single ladies living in a 54-sq.m condo? Before I started school, you wouldn't find celery, leeks and spring onions in my fridge. So, yes, I always had to resort to making use of whatever ingredient I have.

This "healthy" dessert was my first attempt at "gourmet" dessert. All of the ingredients I used for this were available in my pantry. My chef instructors would probably faint once they find out the ingredients I used for this gelatin concoction. The verdict of my sister? Not bad for my first time. :)

Cherry-Apple Jelly Mix

For the Jelly mix:
1 pack Nestle Fit Apple Iced Tea
1 pack Cherry-flavored Jell-O
1 cup white sugar

For the Cream Topping:
Heavy Cream
White Wine
Cinnamon and Nutmeg
Whole Pecan

I just prepared the gelatin as per instruction and let it set then topped it with the icing and attempted to present it with pecans. What is good about this is I used Nestle Fit with L-carnitine. So much for that - this dessert was packed with sugar!!! 

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